Hsinshe, October 30, 2019       UH-1H retirement & UH-60M FOC


Static other side of runway

901/27250       UH-60M         601 Air Assault Group

903/27252       UH-60M         601 Air Assault Group

905/27279       UH-60M         601 Air Assault Group

911/27288       UH-60M         601 Air Assault Group

913/27315       UH-60M         601 Air Assault Group

917/27296       UH-60M         601 Air Assault Group

921/27300       UH-60M         601 Air Assault Group

923/27302       UH-60M         601 Air Assault Group

927/27306       UH-60M         601 Air Assault Group

902/27251       UH-60M         602 Air Assault Group

904/27253       UH-60M         602 Air Assault Group

910/27287       UH-60M         602 Air Assault Group

916/27295       UH-60M         602 Air Assault Group

920/27299       UH-60M         602 Air Assault Group

922/27301       UH-60M         602 Air Assault Group

924/27303       UH-60M         602 Air Assault Group

926/27307       UH-60M         602 Air Assault Group

930/27312       UH-60M         602 Air Assault Group


Static between hangars

908/27285       UH-60M         602 Air Assault Group

413/65-2113   UH-1H            602 Air Assault Group



309/60-2009   UH-1H            602 Air Assault Group

391/64-2091   UH-1H            602 Air Assault Group

422/69-2122   UH-1H            602 Air Assault Group

605/31014      OH-58D          602 Combat Reconnaissance Group

611/31020      OH-58D          602 Combat Reconnaissance Group

618/31027      OH-58D          602 Combat Reconnaissance Group

602/31011      OH-58D          601 Combat Reconnaissance Group

612/31021      OH-58D          601 Combat Reconnaissance Group

620/31029      OH-58D          601 Combat Reconnaissance Group

513/164925     AH-1W           602 Attack Helicopter Group

520/164932     AH-1W           602 Attack Helicopter Group

523/164935     AH-1W           602 Attack Helicopter Group

528/165335     AH-1W           602 Attack Helicopter Group

538/165373     AH-1W           602 Attack Helicopter Group

556/165558     AH-1W           602 Attack Helicopter Group

906/27281       UH-60M         602 Air Assault Group

909/27286       UH-60M         602 Air Assault Group

912/27289       UH-60M         602 Air Assault Group

918/27297       UH-60M         602 Air Assault Group

928/27310       UH-60M         602 Air Assault Group

929/27311       UH-60M         602 Air Assault Group

816/10016       AH-64E          601 Attack Helicopter Group

817/10017       AH-64E          601 Attack Helicopter Group

824/10024       AH-64E          601 Attack Helicopter Group

827/10027       AH-64E          601 Attack Helicopter Group

828/10028       AH-64E          601 Attack Helicopter Group

829/10029       AH-64E          601 Attack Helicopter Group

7302               CH-47SD        Air Transport Group

7305               CH-47SD        Air Transport Group



316/61-2016   UH-1H            602 Air Assault Group

919/               UH-60M          602 Air Assault Group

925/               UH-60M          602 Air Assault Group

507/164919    AH-1W            602 Attack Helicopter Group

530/165337    AH-1W            602 Attack Helicopter Group


On October 30, 2019 the Republic of China Army said goodbye to the UH-1H while on this same day the successor of the Huey, the UH-60M reached full operational capability. In 1969 an order was placed with Bell for the procurement of 118 UH-1H helicopters. The first helicopters arrived in December 1970 from the Bell factory while the remainder were assembled in Taiwan between June 1972 and December 1976. And now after 49 years of service it was time to say goodbye to this workhorse with a ceremony at Hsinshe helicopter base. 3 UH-1H’s had the honor of leading a formation of 6 OH-58D’s, 6 AH-1W’s, 6 UH-60M’s, 6 AH-64E’s and 2 CH-47SD’s over the base. After that Huey 316 dropped off some special forces soldiers who were picked up by Black Hawk 909. Also the crew chief from the Huey handed over a small plaque to the crew chief of the Black Hawk, symbolizing the handing over of the duties from the UH-1 to the UH-60. After take-off Huey 316 received a water salute from the fire station. After retirement from the ROCA some of the remaining UH-1’s will be donated to schools and universities in Taiwan or countries that have friendly ties with the Republic of China.


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