For 2014 two open houses are planned at air bases.

July 19, 427 TFW, Taichung

August 30, Air Force Academy, Kangshan  Cancelled

Foreigners need to apply 1 month in advance if they want to visit an open house. You can do so by sending a copy of your passport to the air base where the open house is held..

Contact information (all information translated from Chinese directly)
1.ROCAF 427th Tactical Fighting Wing (中華民國空軍第427戰術戰鬥機聯隊)
Contact Person: Lieutenant Colonel Jun-yu Liu (劉峻毓中校)
P.O. Box: Fengyuan Yangdong P.O. Box 90307 (豐原陽東郵政90307號信箱)
Phone Number: 04-2561-9578

2.R. O. C. Air Force Academy (中華民國空軍官校)
Contact Person : Major Nen-tsong Lam (藍能聰少校)
P.O. Box: Gangshan P.O. Box 90277-4 (岡山郵政90277-4號信箱)
Phone Number: 07-625-4800