


Naha, December 14, 2014


2014 marked the 60th anniversary of the JASDF and for this occasion some aircraft received a special colour scheme. From Naha Eagle 02-8920 got special markings for the 60th anniversary of the JASDF and the 50th anniversary of 204 Hikotai.



36-5705           T-4                  Nansei Shien Hikohan            in front of HQ building

06-5789           T-4                  13 Hiko Kyoikudan                special markings

47-6903           RF-4E Kai       501 Hikotai

51-5057           T-400              41 Kyoiku Hikotai

43-8129           F-2B                6 Hikotai                                special markings

22-8936           F-15J               204 Hikotai

52-8952           F-15J               204 Hikotai

52-8954           F-15J               204 Hikotai

46-5716           T-4                  Nansei Shien Hikohan

43116              UH-60JA         15 Hikotai

27-4487           CH-47J            Naha Kyunantai

5031                P-3C                5 Kokutai



46-5731/1       T-4                  Blue Impulse

46-5726/2       T-4                  Blue Impulse

46-5730/3       T-4                  Blue Impulse

66-5745/4       T-4                  Blue Impulse

46-5728/5       T-4                  Blue Impulse

46-5725/6       T-4                  Blue Impulse

02-8920           F-15J               204 Hikotai *                          special markings

12-8927           F-15J               204 Hikotai *

18-1031           C-1                  402 Hikotai

39-3042           U-125              Hiko Tenkentai

75-3252           U-4                  402 Hikotai

75-1078           C-130H           401 Hikotai

52-3003           U-125A           Naha Kyunantai


Flightline left side

22-8932           F-15J               204 Hikotai *

02-8915           F-15J               204 Hikotai *

12-8924           F-15J               204 Hikotai *

42-8948           F-15J               204 Hikotai *

22-8929           F-15J               204 Hikotai *

42-8945           F-15J               204 Hikotai *

86-5768           T-4                  204 Hikotai

56-5733           T-4                  204 Hikotai *

06-5784           T-4                  Nansei Shien Hikohan *

56-5740           T-4                  Nansei Shien Hikohan *

96-5620           T-4                  Nansei Shien Hikohan


Flying only

98-4589           UH-60J           Naha Kyunantai

97-4498           CH-47J            Naha Kyunantai

43111              UH-60JA         15 Hikotai

52971/XVH    CH-47JA         15 Hikotai

23052/XVH    LR-2                15 Hikotai

72-3005           U-125A           Naha Kyunantai


Navy Ramp

44-3463           E-2C                603 Hikotai

54-3456           E-2C                603 Hikotai

34-3460           E-2C                603 Hikotai

54-3455           E-2C                603 Hikotai *

92-1157           YS-11EB         Denshi Sakudengun

9131                OP-3C             81 Kokutai

9173                EP-3                81 Kokutai

9175                EP-3                81 Kokutai

5048                P-3C                nm

5070                P-3C                5 Kokutai

5072                P-3C                5 Kokutai

5075                P-3C                5 Kokutai

5083                P-3C                5 Kokutai *

5096                P-3C                5 Kokutai


Aircraft marked with * also flew.


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